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Our new MacLeod Family Tree! For privacy reasons, please do not share this online or outside of the family. By Jen MacLeod.

The Roots of our MacLeod family - Short video for members of our MacLeod family. It covers our distant ancestry, starting with the Vikings and Leod. It shows that we are descendants of Leod on the Lewis & Raasay branch of MacLeods. By Mark MacLeod. 10 mins.

The DNA of Clan MacLeod - A video prepared for the 19th MacLeod Clan Parliament on the Isle of Skye on July 25, 2023. This talk looks at the DNA of members of the MacLeod-surname DNA project at FTDNA. By Mark MacLeod. 36 mins.

The History of the MacLeods Through the Generations - A paper telling the story of our ancestor James MacLeod and his many children as they lived in PEI, Halifax, and after they moved to the Boston area. By Jen MacLeod. 34 pages.

James MacLeod from the Isle of Raasay, Scotland - A paper describing using DNA to find siblings and parents of James, and siblings, parents and more distant ancestors of James's wife Margaret Barnes, Ernest's wife Mary Glynn, and Gordon's wife Margaret Driscoll.  By Mark MacLeod. 25 pages.

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